The Ropemaker

Look, another book that took me far too long to finish. This is more troubling than the week it took me to read Duma Key because Ropemaker is YA fantasy which should take two days MAX.

I’m not sure if the problem was that it started slowly or if I was just plain tired. But reading one or two chapters a day felt like “enough” until last night when I stayed up far too late just to get it finished.

It wasn’t a bad, slow reading YA fantasy – it just wasn’t great. And that’s too bad because once I realized what Tilja’s “power” was, I thought it was an awesome idea. And that awesome idea spurred some really good moments. I think, if there was a sequel that was focused on what happened next, with Tilja, I’d like it more than I liked The Ropemaker.

Also, I’d really like one of those special hair ties. That would be awesome.

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