I Am the Messenger

I didn’t have very high hopes for I Am the Messenger but it turned out to be one of the more interesting YA books I’ve read in a good long while.

Interesting because it was different. No vampires. Not really one of those typical high school “problem” books, though there were plenty of “problems” to go around.

Really interesting storyline. Over on Amazon, a review or a description or something says “unpretentious” – good description. I like that in a YA book. So many of them are very pretentious…

2 thoughts on “I Am the Messenger”

  1. Pingback: My Printz Award Challenge for 2008 | Flamingo House Happenings

  2. This book keeps coming around when I’m reading about YA books. Good to hear a thumbs-up review.

    I’m not really reading with any momentum at the moment though. Sigh.

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