A couple more Cybils

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. My Cybils Challenge is almost complete! I wish I could say that the last two books from the challenge were great ones. They weren’t. They were good, but not great.

Ten Cents a Dance was probably only interesting because of the Chicago backdrop. I found it just a wee bit boring.

I think I might enjoy the story of what happens to Ruby when she leaves Chicago more than I enjoyed the story of her in the Taxi Dancing business.

And then there’s The Explosionist, a book I’d really been looking forward to reading. Slow. Slow. Slow. It was only at the end that I began to really get into it and enjoy the plot. I expect the sequel will be better because we’ve gotten a ton of backstory out of the way. Surely there will be a sequel. We will find out what happens to Sophie and more about Nobel and his brain in a jar. Won’t we?

2 thoughts on “A couple more Cybils”

  1. Pingback: My Cybils Challenge : Flamingo House Happenings

  2. There is a sequel planned. It looks like it’s going to be called The Snow Queen (or at least that’s the writing title) and so far is looking like Fall 2010ish.

    I do not like the title. It’s too…fairyish. Yes, it was slow and left many unanswered questions but I still liked it, which kind of surprises me because it’s not a typical me book.

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