I Hunt Killers

Sassymonkey told me about I Hunt Killers and it sounded interesting so I added it to my TBR list. But just as I was about to close my list, I noticed the author’s name – Barry Lyga?  That changed things considerably. I took the book off of my TBR list and added it to my library hold list.

And then it sat on my library cart for awhile, ‘til TW read it.

She liked it. Like Dexter – but not – and also, YA.

So I expected to really like it – Dexterish YA written by Barry Lyga? What could go wrong?

It started slowly, that’s what. It started slowly and I was tired. Not a good mix. I almost put it down after 50 pages but –Barry Lyga. I couldn’t just give up on it. So I put it down for the night. And finally, last night, I barreled through it and I was very, very glad I hadn’t given up on it.

I started to really like Jazz (which was another small problem in the beginning, I just didn’t much care about him or not care about him.)  The murder of the waitress, that’s really when I started to settle into the story and the characters. By the time bad things happened at the apartment building, I was HOOKED.

And, I didn’t see that ending coming. I just didn’t. I thought about it briefly, a few chapters before the ending. But I really did not expect it.  Now all I need to know is – when is the sequel coming out?

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.