Anna Dressed in Blood

I read almost NOTHING while I was in Hawaii. I had only a few non-fiction books with me and ebooks and none of the ebooks were holding my attention so I asked TW to bring me a book when she came – she did. She brought Anna Dressed in Blood and I was happy. However, I only read about 15 pages of it during that last week of our trip. I was just too tired to read at night and/or too focused on JMP to read.

But on the plane, I did read a bit and made it about 2/3 of the way through. I liked it but I wasn’t sure I loved it. We got home and I read a few more chapters and I really, really liked it a lot – but love? I wasn’t so sure. And then last night, I started reading and I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. I was exhausted and not feeling great but I had to find out what happened so it was after midnight before I turned off the lights – satisfied, very satisfied and in love with this story.

For anyone who loved ghost stories as a kid and loves horror fiction now – you must read this. Ignore the fact that it’s YA, if you’re not generally a YA reader. Fabulous, fabulous story.

Poor, poor Anna.

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.