Middle Grade Fiction, YA Fiction — One Cybil, One Not

How the heck did The Encyclopedia of Me end up on my bookshelf if it’s not a Cybil? This is really not the kind of book I’d just pick up and nothing about the cover screams “must read” to me. So weird.  It’s not a bad book, just not my thing and I’m so far behind on my reading lists that taking time to read this one wasn’t smart. Oops. I liked bits and pieces of it but I found the encyclopedia idea a bit tedious. I’d have rather just had the story of Tink/Isadora and her family/friends without the encyclopedia entries because that part was good. (If you’re looking for a book about autism and families, this one is interesting.)

A YA scifi/fantasy that is on the Cybils list and was good, was The Shattering. It’s written by the same author who wrote Guardian of the Dead that we listened to earlier in the year? Last year? Recently. So we had some ideas about what it would be like – and it was, though less Maori mythology than I expected there to be. And, the same thing happened in this book that happened in the last one – it runs just a little long.

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