So. Tired.

So much work to do.

My house is a mess.

I haven’t read a book in two days.

I’m stuck on some stupid candy crush level that I’m sure I’ll never get passed — only in part because I don’t have time to play.

Lola is a pathetic showgirl with her little cone and her sore belly.

Skeeter is a pathetic poodle because her showgirl is pathetic.

Have I mentioned the house is trashed?

I have to work all weekend. I mean really work all weekend.

I haven’t gotten more than five hours sleep a night in about three weeks. In fact I’ve been lucky to get four hours of sleep a night.

I haven’t done any art journaling in two weeks.

Asshattery abounds.

So do conference calls.

I haven’t called my dad.

Jenn’s called me twice and I’ve had to decline both calls because I was on conference calls with no end to the workday in sight.

I miss JMP.

And Michelle.

And Chris.

And Jenn.

Tired. Very, very tired.

2 thoughts on “So. Tired.”

  1. I hope things slow down for you soon. Hopefully, you will get a break and a rest after the conference. Sending a warm pot of coffee your way 🙂

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