
I enjoyed my PTO immensely but I’m torn between whether I should keep taking my PTO in this fashion, two days at a time, or start taking a full week at a time. It’s such a hard decision — I like those four day weeks and I’ve become fairly good at not doing very much work during those four day breaks — but maybe I could grow to like nine days off in a row, just as much?

Oh who am I kidding, I couldn’t go nine days without working. I can barely go four. Damn.

In other news, Bleak House is still very bleak but it has it’s amusing moments. Thankfully there have been more amusing moments than not amusing moments in recent chapters. I’ve also become very good at skimming through the tedious bits. Dickens could be ever so very tedious. Skimpole makes me crazy and causes me to curse out loud as soon as I see his name appear. Damn Skimpole and his idiotic childishness.

And in further news, I decided on the perfect birthday gift for Elly only to be thwarted in my search. I haven’t completely given up but it’s not looking good. Unless she suddenly decides she likes the color green or brown (though I doubt that will happen since she and I agree that brown is not a color. Why can’t she more Rebecca-like?) Damn.