Filofax, Art Journaling and Other Goals In July

I can barely remember July, it’s a blur of madness and even looking back over my Filofax and daily journals doesn’t help much.

I know that I pretty much completely ignored my Filofax at the end of the month, because of BlogHer. And, I was smart enough to not add any serious goals for the month — the only things I added to the to do list were those I knew I had to do in order to actually do my job and/or go to BlogHer. So, yay! Success!

I didn’t do a damn bit of art journaling but I did make an awesome clipboard and that was totally, completely, fun.

July was a success. I survived and there were some damn good moments tucked in there with the madness.

I’m hoping to have a ton of art fun making a water bottle for Melisa and playing with JMP, in August.

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