It’s that time again. Time for me to read my children’s books than anything else. 😉
Tractor is a cute little touch & feel type board book. JMP likes tractors.
Woof! Woof! was the dumbest board book EVER. I only looked at the first page while in the library and that was cute. It was three DUMB pages long. Total waste of time.
That’s Not My Panda was … cute enough. The author has a whole series of these and I’m not super impressed. Reading one was enough.
Boats was nice. JMP likes boats. It’s a nice book for new readers with vocabulary words in it. Very nice.
The Pet Project is from the Cybils shortlist. A little girl wants a pet and her parents make her research pets. She finds out that she’s not really a pet person.
Count the Monkeys is also from the Cybils shortlist. I umm went off the rails and did some special grandma cursing, which amused JMP’s mom. It was cute but the monkey pay off at the end wasn’t as good as I’d hoped. Too many monkeys to count.