Filofax, Art Journaling and Other Goals In September

Oh right, it’s October. Which means it’s a new month and time to review last month. Thank goodness last month is over.

I didn’t actually create a to do list until after JMP went home and that list was intended to carry me through October so I’m not too upset about the fact that the only thing I’ve managed to cross off is the mailing of packages to five people. I’ve managed to get started on a few other things on the list but I’m not making a lot of progress because September sucks and it’s awfully early in October.

I did order some storage bins to start weeding through the linens and towels and bedding situation.

I did art journal a wee bit at the end of September. I also tracked down a water bottle for Melisa and I think I even know how I want to make this thing… so we’ll see. Hopefully I’ll have that done by December 2 — which is the next time I plan to be in her stupid suburb.

I worked on JMP’s stocking last weekend and hope to keep making progress there. Maybe. Hopefully.

And we absolutely do have to find our winter clothes. ASAP.

Also, Filofaxing — I’m back at it, though I don’t seem to be doing any daily journaling. I need to get that back into my daily schedule. Soon.

Onward into October.