Small Green Roofs

Last month I decided I wanted a green roof on my chicken coop, the chicken coop I don’t have right now. I spent some time surfing pinterest for green roof chicken coops for inspiration. And just about the time I’d moved on from actively thinking about green roof chicken coops, Small Green Roofs appeared on the non-fiction new arrival shelf at the library. It was a sign. Clearly.

I read it. Skimmed it, really. It was not inspirational. It was a bit intimidating. Also, there’s a lot of math involved and a lot of science, too. I obviously knew you couldn’t just throw soil and plants on a roof and that was it. I understood you’d need to think about the weight on the roof and waterproofing. I also had a vague understanding that there are special soil thingies for green roofs. And this book talks about all of that — and a lot more, in a very overwhelming way.

I didn’t hate the book. I didn’t love the book. I’m glad I read the first two chapters and skimmed the rest. I still want a green roof chicken coop and I shall have one, someday!