Day to Day

Daily Dose of Family – Weekends

Why is it that there are some weekends when there is simply nothing to do or nothing to be done? And other weekends when there is too much to do and too much to be done? We’re faced with the latter and it’s giving me a wee bit of stress this morning as I ponder all we can do and all we have to do.

Here’s the list:

  • Friends of the Library Sale
  • Two DVDs to watch (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and Jesus Christ Superstar)
  • That new horse movie that just came out
  • Library to return books that are overdue and pick up books that are waiting
  • Take his highness to school to beg for replacement grammar sheets that he “accidentally” left at his father’s house. (father is out of the country)
  • Shop for a Halloween costume for Michelle
  • New bathing suit for RJ
  • Tomorrow is Eat A Pretzel Day which means TW wants to go to the mall and BUY pretzels rather than use the pretzel making kit she bought for the kids
  • New art museum opening
  • Clean Sweep the Florida room because Chris is moving back home and E has taken over his room with her “rodent sun world” and that’s the only room available
  • Clean Sweep the garage because all of the stuff in the Florida room has to go somewhere and charity is not an option for the 4′ Barney, the antique furniture, the two shelving units of children’s books or the red, white and blue picnice table
  • Of course we also have the typical Saturday and Sunday synchronized swimming, the Sunday church and youth group events and the LAUNDRY that must always be in progress as well.

    Busy, Busy, Busy… what shall we do?

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    Daily Dose of Toilets – Hairbrushes too

    I dig toilets. I dig them so much that in boxes and photo albums around my house, I have photos of toilets I’ve visited all across the world.

    I dig toilet humor. To live in this house, you pretty much have to laugh while you’re cleaning up the “toilet type” messes made by children (and animals) every single day.

    I can’t say I dig TW’s toilet issues, they make me sad, but I’ve gotten use to them. So use to them that I only say “what are you doing” a few times a day, as she gets up from her spot on the bed next to me, over and over again. The illness formerly known as Ulcerative Colitis but now renamed Crohn’s means that toilets are an even more important part of my life than ever before.

    When TW disappears in a store, I don’t immediately think she’s wandered off to impulse shop in private (though she sometimes still does this), instead I assume she’s headed to the restroom and I’ll find her again eventually.

    On car trips, I use to live by my father’s rule of only stopping if the dog needed to use the bathroom (and since I try to never travel with the dogs) we rarely stopped. Now, I barely sigh when we stop at rest stops all over the US, even if we’ve just stopped at a gas station 20 minutes ago.

    I dig toilets and I understand toilets. I have absolutely no issue with toilets, I don’t even really mind cleaning them though I prefer not to ever enter the bathroom that the children use and TW cleans ours (it’s the least she can do since she uses it the most and since I do all of the freaking laundry, right).

    TW and I have even hashed out our toilet paper problem. The over/under question has caused us to have some serious discussions over the last four years. Recently TW put her foot down and decided it would go “over” the top. Which is fine, I prefer it that way. But what was good was finally getting a “decree” because I would often try to be nice (since she uses so much TP) and put it under for her. She, being marshmallowy, would put it over for me. So, neither of us was ever really happy about it. In the dark, it’s tough to know which way to pull when there’s no consistency.

    So why am I blogging about toilets? Since I dig them and have no serious toilet issues? Well I do, actually, have a toilet issue. And, I thought TW and I had that sussed before I ever moved to Florida. I thought we resolved that and she understood just how strongly I felt about this one issue. It does, after all, effect my hairbrush and I have SERIOUS hairbrush issues.

    I do not want my hairbrush anywhere near toilet water. Ever. And if it comes in contact with said water, or you even think it MIGHT have come in contact, then the brush goes into the trash. Not back on the counter. Not in the dishwasher. Not in a pot of boiling water and not in the basket on the toilet tank lid.

    We resolved this. In SC. Didn’t we?

    She is the one who still talks about my ex who sold a car with my hairbrush still in it. (A story I am often sorry I told her because of how often she mentions this)

    She is the one who drove 7 hours, not leaving her house til 11pm, with three children simply to bring me back the hairbrush I had left at her house earlier that day.

    She is the one who scoured the internet, grocery stores, drugstores, Super K, Super Wal-mart and Super Targets all over the country, not to mention every rest stop in the southeast in search of the special pink Goodys hairbrush I prefer.

    If she knows all of this, and she obviously does, then why did I find her talking about cleaning toilets with a pumice stone last night on her blog. When said pumice stone was IN THE BASKET WITH MY HAIRBRUSH?????? My hairbrush that is only in there because she was using it because her hair was way long and she actually had to brush it before going to work. My hairbrush that I really don’t like anyone using. MY hairbrush. WAS in the basket. WITH. THE. PUMICE. STONE.

    What the…

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    Daily Dose of Life – List for Today

    I have tons of things to do and no time to do them so let’s see if this list thing helps…

    1) Delete spam from 4 junk mail boxes.
    2) Write the HP phone conference report.
    3) Write a mini review of a new health site.
    4) Start the weekly report.
    5) WLC phone conference.
    6) Mod meeting (canceled)
    7) LAUNDRY
    8) Find a cord for RJ’s MP3 player so we can put some decent music on this thing. (why can’t there be a STANDARD cord for MP3 players and digital cameras???? In the last 5 years we’ve had 4 MP3 players, a hand scanner, a Mini Disc player and 7 digital cameras and we do not have the cord to fit this particular MP3 player! GEEZ)
    9) Blog about toilets.
    10) Write the Brilliant Women entry.
    11) Help Michelle with geometry (and chemistry too).
    12) Return long overdue library books.
    13) Blog phone call.

    An update at 6pm… ha, of course I still didn’t blog about a “real topic” and I still didn’t write the Brilliant Women entry and those library books are still overdue – though they are in the bag, by the door and ready to go out when we leave at 7:20ish to see Hamlet. I got other stuff not on that list done today, so it was a pretty productive day. And of course, I will be doing laundry until my dying day and even then I’ll probably come back as a laundry worker or something in my next life.

    One last update, ha! Toilet blog post is up and I feel better. Thanks for listening and of course supporting my outrage!

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    Daily Dose of Family – Daughters

    jenn.jpgTW, Michelle and I drove UP to Charleston for the weekend to see Jenn (and Ronnie too, I guess) and her new house (well I guess it is his too but he’s not the important one there). I was reminded of three things during this trip, three things I hope I will not ever forget:

    1) I will not EVER book a room at the Red Roof Inn, on Northwoods BLVD, for any reason. NEVER. AGAIN. We stayed there for one night last month and hated it but apparently the learning curve is steep and it took a second trip to really make it sink in for me.

    2) I’m getting too darn old for this 12 hours of driving over a 2 1/2 day period. It’s hard to believe it wasn’t more than a couple of years ago that we were driving all over the south following Melissa. This weekend trip is making me rethink the whole Melissa in Atlanta thing at the end of the month, even if TW is healthy enough to go. I AM OLD and TIRED!

    michelle_puzzle.jpgAs much as my daughters adore each other, and they definitely do, they do not do well together when I am around. It’s not horrible but there’s some weird undercurrent thing that bugs me to death. I don’t remember it being there all those years ago when were all a big “happy family”. It happened after Michelle and I (and Chris) moved out and left Jenn (who was all grown up and going to college) with her dad (and boyfriend who is now her husband). Michelle was always jealous and wanted me to herself but she’s 15 1/2 and this is getting really weird. Maybe it’s time to reconsider that therapy thing again??? Maybe we could do some double sessions so that when we are all together for Thanksgiving it doesn’t feel crummy?


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    Daily Dose of Life – Toilets and More

    OK so once again, I’ve stopped blogging. I’m tired, sue me. I’ve had a lot of blog topics floating around in my head. I’ve had a lot of blog ideas saved in my RSS feeds from all of you really interesting bloggers who actually have time and energy to blog. Someday I might actually blog about those topics – they’ll probably be all retro and stuff but whatever.

    I’m posting just a quick life update for those of you who might be wondering what keeps us so busy and distracted around here. Toilets mostly. TW puts in a lot of toilet time (she will love that I just said that) and we’ve been putting in a lot of doctor time and thinking about the doctor time recently because that’s all related to TW and her toilet time. You can read all about that umm stuff on TW’s toilet blog. As you’ll see, things will be busy along those lines all month long. Joys and blessings, our lives are full of them aren’t they?

    And speaking of toilets, I took Michelle shopping last weekend for pajamas to wear to a pajama party and was instructed by TW to buy a new toilet seat. Well since she spends a lot of time there and Jackie has inspired me to take care of my IBS’d s/o, I went shopping for one. I’ve never bought a toilet seat before so I asked for guidance before I left. Luckily TW and I agree = no padded seats, no fuzzy seats and really we don’t want decorations at all. Just white is good and TW said not a wooden one and I immediately think wood grain and say so. She says no – no wood, like the one we have now, it stains too easily. Ha, I didn’t know ours was wood.

    So I bought one, cheap and white at Target. TW installed it and all was right with the toilet world down here in the adult Flamingohouse Bathroom. Upstairs in the children’s Flamingohouse Bathroom they installed a Dolphin toilet seat that Michelle picked out and all of the kids love. It takes so little to please these kids. I can only imagine what games the little ones will play with the dolphin toilet seat…

    The most interesting part about the toilet seat was the instruction page that came with it:

    When cleaning your toilet seat, wash it only with mild, soapy water. Rinse the seat thoroughly with clean water and dry with a soft cloth. Never use abrasive scouring powders or detergents, disinfectants, or cleaning products in aerosol cans as they can damage the seats lustrous finish.

    Ha, no cleaners on toilet seats? They must be kidding. Forget the lustrous finish (not that I have seen it looking lustrous and I looked really closely) we’ve got serious bathroom users around here. I am betting you have some in your house too. What kind of people do the toilet seat manufacturers think we are? No cleaners? Just soap and water and a soft cloth? Ha.

    And last but not least, not related to toilets, TW and Michelle and I did a little live blogging experiment last night during the Gilmore Girls. It’s pretty darn amusing to see how the three of us chose to blog the show. Check it out, even if you don’t love the GGs and Stars Hollow like we do.

    Now back to my previously scheduled life, the fun never ends around here… Maybe next weekend I’ll go out shopping for some of these interesting dimmer switch covers, I bet they’ll look really great next to the sparkling toilet seat – wonder if they have them at Bed, Bath & Beyond.

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    Daily Dose of Life – Vacation and Back Again

    I was on vacation. I’m not on vacation any longer. I miss vacation already but I’m not really sure why I miss it.

    I didn’t go on vacation in the way “normal” people go on vacation. I didn’t take a trip to the beach or visit family or anything remotely close to that. I took vacation from work in order to regroup and prepare for September. I hate September. And I was really getting scared of September after the August I had. So. I. Took. Vacation.

    I had big plans for my vacation. I had a very long list of things I was going to do. I had a long list of things I was not going to do. I had a long list of things I was going to blog about.

    I make lists but I rarely achieve the things on my lists because the lists are too long. This time, I took those long lists and I created mini-lists and I actually got some things done. Not a lot of things done and that’s sort of disappointing. But as usual, my life got in the way and things that were not on my list appeared at the top and so it goes.

    Join me as I review my lists and consider whether I should attempt another little vacation of this sort in the near future. (I hope my boss is not reading this and my coworkers don’t kill me for considering it after they so nicely covered for my short notice, surprise vacation request)

    Things to Blog:
    Michelle’s Reading List
    Michelle’s World Religions
    Why I Want a Hybrid
    Michelle and the Pecans
    Being a Bad Unitarian
    Vegetarians Who Don’t Eat Vegetables

    Things I am NOT Doing:
    Reading my boards
    Reading anyone else’s boards
    Reading my work email
    Taking work conference calls

    Things to Get DONE:
    Call Gateway
    Get the cats spayed
    Clean the kids bathroom closet
    Clean the cat closet
    Deal with J’s Game Cube issues
    Paint E’s dresser
    Deal with the little kid clothing chaos
    Organize the videos and DVDs
    Stow the recent purchases piled up in the bedroom
    Put away the TW laundry mountain
    Us/Them – TG stuff for Koan
    Clean the closet
    Clean my office
    Prepare Michelle’s curriculum
    Install software on Michelle’s computer
    Clean the kitchen cabinets
    Write 2 reports
    Read, a lot
    Write in the “Brilliant Women Journal”
    Take TW to the doctor for her “procedure”

    Unlisted Things That Got Done:
    Supervised Hazel a lot
    3 trips to Publix
    3 trips to CVS
    1 trip to Walgreens
    2 trips to the car dealer
    1 trip to the smelly bookstore
    1 trip to the women’s bookstore
    A Meme blog post
    Some Katrina Red Cross posts
    Baked Banana Bread
    Set up TW’s new telephones
    Shopped a LOT on eBay in the Red Cross auction areas

    I miss my vacation. I want another one. Soon.


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    Daily Dose of Coffee – Money

    These are two of our regular baristas and we like them. It took awhile for the boy to grow on us but he has, now that he’s not too shy to talk to us. I think we have almost talked him into blogging so stay tuned for that… 😉

    But the point of this post isn’t to talk about our favorite baristas (or least favorite) I’ve got two other things to ramble about and both involve money. But hey, anytime you talk about Starbucks money is in the back of your mind isn’t it?

    As you may know, TW and I stop at Starbucks every morning for Quad Venti Caramel Macchiatos and unfortunately they’re skim too but I try to forget that as often as possible. (For you non-Starbucks people, quad means 4 shots of espresso. Venti is the largest size, it’s 24oz and I’m not going to explain Starbucks’ version of the macchiato because if you don’t know then you’re living on Mars and there are no Starbucks on Mars at this time and I don’t really like to torture anyone except his highness, J.)

    I love my morning visit to Starbucks. I love my baristas. I love the fact that they know exactly what I want before I order and I love making new baristas nervous by reminding them that when you make a CM you do not pour the shot straight into the freaking cup. It’s fun. I enjoy seeing the others who are as addicted as I am. I love seeing the unusual people who wander in and puzzle over the menu. The troubling part of this school year, which starts on Monday, is trying to figure out how we’re going to be able to go to Starbucks without having to buy little kids coffee or hot chocolate every morning and drag them in with us and stuff.

    Part of me was thinking we’d just skip Starbucks on the mornings that we had the kids. It would be a good way to save some money, right? But then the Hello Dollar! dude had to go and make me growly by reminding me how much money we spend there every year. I’m feeling like some teen kid whose mom has just explained why something is not a good idea, I just want to do it even MORE now.

    Who cares if I take that $55 a week and put it in the bank and it turns into $3,019.26 (with interest)? I NEED MY STARBUCKS before work more than I need $3,019.26 a year right? Who cares if I’ve been seriously stressing over our debt for a year, if we don’t spend that on Starbucks we won’t save it, we’ll spend it on something else, won’t we?

    Yes, we have a nice Starbucks coffee pot. I brew Gazebo in it everyday. We’ve got a nice Starbucks espresso machine too but we never use it. It takes too much work and it is not nearly as much fun as teasing college kids wearing their crummy Starbucks hats and cute little aprons. There’s no community standing around the espresso machine in my kitchen, ya know?

    Life is hard.

    And now that I’ve actually said life is hard and all I’m doing is thinking about how I might not get my Quad Venti Caramel Macchiato a few days a month I’m feeling like a hypocrite because there are kids in this world who don’t have clean water.

    Starbucks is working on that problem by donating 10 million over five years from the sale of ethos water sold in their stores. (I’m buying a bottle tomorrow, I swear!!!)

    Jay Winston over on the Huff Po blog doesn’t think this is good enough. (Has he pledged to donate $10 million of his earnings in over 5 years to the clean water cause??? Has he pledged any?) He seems to think that Starbucks would do better to encourage its customers to buy coupons for a dollar or five dollars to donate to the cause. He seems to think this would raise more than five million. I think he’s wrong. This may not be the BEST campaign but it’s better than some dumb “buy a ticket” campaign

    I hate it when people ask me if I want to contribute a dollar to this cause or that at the grocery store or at Shoney’s or like they did today at Petsmart. I just don’t contribute to causes that way. And I don’t think the majority of Starbucks customers in this college town do either. Tomorrow when I head into my Starbucks I’m going to ask the baristas what they think but I bet they’d hate having to push tickets on people. Heck, they hate having to ask people if they’d like a pastry with their drink.

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    Daily Dose of Life – Cars

    Let me tell you about my yesterday and how glad I am that it is my yesterday and not my today. Yesterday stunk. And this is much longer than my preferred three paragraphs but I don’t particularly care, ya know?

    I got up with the alarm at 6:10am, which is really 6am because my clock is screwy and it’s some funky travel clock that TW bought in the airport a few years ago to replace my old Korean Air travel alarm clock that I loved until it died and I hate changing the time or the alarm on it. I’m never sure I’ve done it just right, which is ridiculous because it’s just not that hard but whatever.

    I turned on the computer, grabbed the smiley coffee cup with an inch of coffee left in it from the night before and nuked it for 30 seconds. Fed the dogs, fed the cats and sat down to drink the coffee and read email. Thank goodness for webcrossing and their email digests! I posted some morning posts on message boards, read the news feeds in my aggregator, let the dogs in and checked to see if there was another inch of coffee lurking in the pot from the day before. There wasn’t. Typical morning, except for the no coffee part.

    By then it was 7:10 and I headed to the bedroom where I found TW still asleep. I suggested she get up since we leave to take her to work at 7:30. She moaned and murmured she wasn’t going to work, she was sick. I sighed and sat on the floor contemplating how TW at home might change my day. The biggest issue was lack of coffee. No regular morning trip to Starbucks was going to happen and I had no beans to grind! I figured she wasn’t up for any grand gestures that would totally disrupt the day. (I was right)

    I sighed, got dressed and grabbed Dexter and the keys and headed toward the Subaru dealer to leave Babe for his 90,000 mile check up (he’ got 102,000 on him lol) and to get the clock fixed and have them figure out what’s causing the road noise in the back of the vehicle.

    I got there at 8 on the dot and was told the courtesy shuttle had just left but would be right back. Right, I figured it would be 9 before I was picked up and sat down to read. I’d only read about 3 pages when I was called to the shuttle – cool! This was shaping up to be a great day. Just me and the shuttle driver, or so I thought. Turns out another dude was going to drive a vehicle over to the glass shop and we’d have to go there as well so the guy could ride back in the shuttle. No problem, it’s on the way. But we get there and the parking lot is filled with the Blood Donor bus and lots of maneuvering and cursing ensued about how to get the car that needed the glass repair in there. Why would they park that blood donor bus there? No street traffic and the place is just not big enough to warrant an employee blood drive. Weird.

    No sooner do they get the car into the parking lot and they discover the windshield that needs to be installed isn’t in the vehicle! So, we drive back to the dealer which is still not a big deal because it’s only 8:25 or so. I’m still ahead of schedule. I’m reading my book again and the driver comes back and says it will be a minute, h’s got a kid to drop off over by my house but he needs to get his bag. I quickly realize that when he said kid he really meant kid.

    I hear a mom and a kid arguing about which is the right bag and a lot of mom fussing about hurrying up and what are you doing in there and then a 10 year old boy jumps in.
    Before the driver could get the door shut, the kid is jumping out again – to give his mom a kiss. Aweeeeee (weird but still an aweeee moment). The kid’s mom is the manager and he’s heading to golf camp. And he sits behind me making odd noises which were amusing because it was still only 8:45 and I’d be home by 9. Still earlier than I had expected!

    The morning passes relatively well. TW slept and I worked. I started some more laundry, cleaned up the dirty towels from the little kids’ bathroom that they’d left there two weeks ago and hid E’s birthday gifts which had been sitting in the living room for a week. And, my 40lb surprise from TW arrived! Yea!

    Kids arrive at 2 on the dot. Dogs didn’t eat their step mother (which is good but also a shame, if you know what I mean). J is immensely pleased with the COOL chain he got for his flute and I was successful in showing some enthusiasm as well. E was excited about her Lisa Frank lunchbox and I did a fair job of not showing my true feelings about it (that is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life!).

    Life is moving along nicely when the phone rings from the dealership. We need a new clock and the road noise is actually a busted wheel bearing. Do I want them fixed, parts are in stock? I started to say can I schedule an appointment, thinking it is 3:30 and how will they ever do that by 5:30? But she says they can definitely go ahead and do it today and she can have the shuttle pick me up at 4:30 and I may have a little wait but it would be done. So, I agree.

    I shut down the computer at 4:10 and head out with my next book (Dexter was finished earlier in the day during a lunch break) to wait for the shuttle. Arrive at the dealership at 4:40 and am told they are done and just test driving. At 5:15 I go out to the service bay and ask if my car got lost during the test drive or what??? She says oh it’s done, let me pee and I’ll write up the bill. Ooooooooooook. 5 minutes later I’ve paid a whopping $1200 for the 90,000 mile service, the clock and the wheel bearing and I’m looking for my car which she had said was being pulled up. Well there it was at the end of the bay being vacuumed. The dude had forgotten to do that and the manager sent him back to do it right. (ha, last time we had it serviced, they didn’t vac it either). So I wait and wait. The guy finally finishes and tries to drive through the bay straight to me but realizes there are actual cars there and that won’t work. Soooooooo he backs all the way out and drives up around the outside. I jump in happy to be on the way home. I wonder what time it is and look up to where the nicely installed new clock should be and the clock is ummm dead.

    I back up, get out, and march into the service bay to explain that this nice new clock that cost me $130 to have put in isn’t actually ummm working. The nice girl says she’ll grab a technician. Unfortunately the Subaru technicians are gone and all I’ve got is a nice Chrysler tech. He checked the fuses and finds the cigar lighter (really that’s what he called it) is dead. But that’s it and it doesn’t help the clock. So he looks for a screw to remove the clock and realizes the screw he’s just taken out actually removes the top compartment and that’s not helpful. He runs for more tools and comes back and pries it out thinking maybe they got in a hurry and didn’t actually plug it in. No, it’s plugged in. By this time I notice that this clock face is really smudged and looks like it has caramel macchiato on it. I mention that to the guy and he says “hmmm is that what that is?” I said “Yes but wouldn’t that be odd since this is suppose to be a new clock?” “Are you sure they didn’t just order you the part?” I showed him my papers and he said “No, looks like this is a new clock, maybe they just transferred your caramel macchiato smudges for you”. Ha. The guy is nice and funny but by then I am ticked.

    I head into the service bay and they want me to bring the car back tomorrow to solve this. Ha, that won’t work, Friday is meet the teacher day. I’m seriously grouchy by then and she says she’ll just order me another new clock and when it comes in she’ll call and they’ll put it in while I watch. Ha, great. I could put the freaking thing in myself I’ve now watched the guy take it out and put it in three times already. Whatever.

    I get back in the car and head for home. Happy that at least there is no more noisy back-end but looking at that dead clock and feeling totally defeated. I hate going to the dealer for car repairs. It’s TW’s thing to do that and I’m not doing it anymore, ever again. Well except to get this damn clock that I’ve already paid for and to drop off my nasty customer comment card. I’ll enjoy that part of my next visit.


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    Daily Dose of Life – Cold Water Communication

    When the older three children were small, they did not like lasagna.  (To put it mildly.) They would happily eat boiled lasagna noodles with a serving of sauce on the side and a serving of cottage cheese and mozzarella on the side but put it all together and they would act like you were trying to feed them brussel sprouts.   They knew that all of those things that they would happily eat, separate, made up lasagna and a couple of them loved to make lasagna but they would not eat it.

    The youngest went further than not liking it, she would proclaim her disdain loudly if she even saw lasagna on a restaurant menu or if she saw the noodles in the commissary (that’s supermarket for you non-military people) or smelled it cooking in the oven.  She would tell us how horrible it was all through dinner and how it would probably KILL us if we kept eating it.  We’d send her off to eat in another room and she’d still be mumbling about the horrors of lasagna when she brought her clean plate into the kitchen.

    Moving right along…

    I have some friends who have complete and utter disdain for all things religion.  They continually share the horrors of religion with us.  They never share any positive stories about the good done in the name of a religion.  If you’re lucky enough to be standing in front of them and mention something about your church or the positive experience you’ve had through religion you can see them cringe.  If you’re lucky enough to be sharing this information with them online, they do an internet cringe or worse yet, they get snarky. 

    I’m not really a religious person.  I don’t do God or The Goddess or Buddha or any other deity you want to bring up.  I do however enjoy attending the local UU Fellowship.  When I mentioned this once, in the course of a morning hello post, to some internet friends, one threw cold water on my good feelings so completely I couldn’t breathe for a moment. 

    And here we are, the point of this…

    Why do people do this type of thing?  We all do it to some extent but why do some people do it so often and so intensely?   

    Spanglemonkey suggested that a recent instance of narrow-mindedness was in part due to age, or lack of.  The idealism of youth.  The ability to see things only as black or white, right or wrong, good or evil. 

    My children definitely outgrew their hatred of lasagna, (though some love it more than others).  But people don’t seem to outgrow the inability to open their minds.  Why is that?  Why do some of us respond with “If I don’t get this, it’s not true” and others don’t?  What causes a person to focus only on what they see and dismiss anyone who sees something else entirely?

    Is it lack of identity that causes this type of narrow-mindedness?  Are these people so busy trying to protect themselves that they can’t allow themselves to see from someone else’s point of view?  Is it fear of the unknown?  Or is it all of those things?

    My children didn’t eat lasagna for years because it was unknown, it looked like something other than they were use to but they braved their fear, and they tried it.  My friends may never step out of their safety zone and look at spirituality in a way that might positively affect their lives but I do hope they learn to appreciate the good feelings and the good work that their spiritual friends have found and do through religion.  Or at least be respectful.

    All I ask, all I have ever asked, is that when someone presents an idea that is foreign to you, do not give a knee-jerk reaction.  When someone shares their good feelings, don’t throw cold water.  And, when someone suggests a new form of building community and shows you example after example of how it has worked, do not dismiss it because you can’t see its benefit to YOU.  (And oddly enough, this isn’t directed at my new blogging pal, DnW – she was pretty open minded for a stubborn woman!) 

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