
The Wild Girls

We needed an audiobook so I wandered around the library shelves until Wild Girls jumped into my bag.

It was a really quick audiobook and really enjoyable to listen to. It also didn’t end badly, and it had the potential to end badly. I was really impressed that the author didn’t take the easy way to a happily ever after ending. I liked that a lot.

I also liked Joan & Sarah (Fox & Newt) and I liked every single one of the characters. All of them.

Fun read. Let’s all be wild girls!

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Two Days Gone

Apparently Two Days Gone is part of a series, the Ryan DeMarco Mysteries. Who knew? I have no idea how it appeared on our library cart. I thought TW picked it up. I also thought she had already read it and left it on the shelf for me to read because it was good.

Turns out, she hadn’t read it yet but it was good.

Dark. Very, very, very dark. Also, heart-freaking-breaking. One of those… what choice would you make if forced to make a horrific and impossible choice. Good lord.

I do kind of want to go back and read some of the other books, to see how DeMarco got to the point he’s at now. I mean, they gave enough backstory to get the gist but I might have to go back and read it for myself. Hold the phone, it IS part of a series but this is the first one? Now I’m frustrated. What do you mean this is the first one? You’ve given us a really dark and flawed character with an #ASSTON of backstory and we don’t get to actually live any of that backstory with him? Now I’m not so sure I want to read another… maybe. Hell.

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Hidden Figures

Oops. I finished Hidden Figures awhile back and thought I already wrote about it. Apparently not.


Totally enjoyed it. Really enjoyed seeing how the movie combined bits and pieces of womens’ stories and tweaked the timeline a little and the ages of characters and the relationships of characters. That was pretty interesting to think about, in terms of book to movie stuff.

I also really enjoyed learning more about the work these women did. And loved how much time was spent on Dorothy Vaughan’s story. She’s my favorite. The only complaint I have is that there wasn’t quite enough about Christine Darden.

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Make Your Own Ideabook with Arne & Carlos

I had no idea who Arne and Carlos were when I picked up their Make Your Own Ideabook at the library. I still had no idea who they were after about 10 pages but I had the impression that they were… knitters?

So I stopped and looked them up and ended up watching some Youtube video of them doing a Q&A. Yep, knitters and totally adorable. But anyway, this book… It was pretty terrific.

There wasn’t anything I didn’t know in there, but the photos were fabulous and getting a look at some of the pages of their ideabooks was fabulous. I’m really glad I checked this one out. Also, they’re really cute. lol.

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Two Non-Fiction

It’s planting season in Florida and TW has the “bug” — and ever since I read a bunch of edible landscaping books last year and the year before, I’ve been dreaming of rosehips, kiwi fruit and blueberry hedges. But, I couldn’t remember exactly which book(s) I’d read that had inspired that little day dream. So, I looked back over my Goodreads history and found the one that I THOUGHT was the right one, Foodscaping: Practical and Innovative Ways to Create an Edible Landscape and reserved it at the library. Just in case, I reserved another. They both came in at the same time — I was right about which one I’d been thinking of and I bought the darn thing because I really like it.

I think TW probably like the other one, Edible Landscaping with a Permaculture Twist better. And I did like one of the projects a lot — and I’m pretty sure we’ll be building a spiral herb garden some day. (I’m not sure we’re going to build an outdoor clay oven though. Sorry TW, sorry JMP.)

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Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation

I like graphic novels and I LOVE Kindred so when I heard about Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation I was really excited. Except it was January and that’s the month of no spending around here, so I had to wait. It was worth waiting for.

Great illustrations. Really good adaptation of a fairly complex story. I am pretty sure Octavia Butler would be pleased.

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Georgia: A Novel of Georgia O’Keeffe

I was worried about Georgia. Anyone who tries to write a novel about O’Keeffe is taking a big chance. Good thing she did. I found myself nodding my head thinking, “I hope it really happened that way.” and at other times sighing and saying, “I hope that’s not how it happened.” and at others just really enjoying the story.

Well done.

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