I picked Sundays at Tiffany’s off of the “just came back” shelf at the library because… we have a thing for Tiffany’s. I saw it was by James Patterson and I sort of cringed, but still… I handed it to TW and she shrugged so we put it in the bag.
She started reading it, I asked if it was any good, she started talking about imaginary friends (I knew that part, which is also why I picked it up) and ultimately said, “Yes it’s good.”
I was concerned. Patterson is sappy. Really sappy. And this book…. OMG books do not get any sappier than this. But still, it’s nice. It’s a good story.
The imaginary friend thing, that makes it super sappy but is also what makes it a good story. I like imaginary friend stories. Drop Dead Fred is one of my big kids’ favorite movies. What was that movie with the french actor… Bogus? Is that what it was called? With an imaginary friend theme? Whatever. I liked it. Sappy but nice.
And, I liked the ending.