I am surrounded by McCaffrey fans and it makes me nervous. I’ve tried to get with the program and love her the way they do but it is just no use. I don’t get it.
I do really like the Acorna series. I might even love it. I don’t often read books about female unicorn-like aliens, do you?
Dragons, on the otherhand, are a dime a dozen. I think that’s why I just can’t love McCaffrey and her Dragons of Pern. Big deal. I understand that these books were written dozens of years ago and were sort of original back then. I understand the social commentary in them. I really do understand the big deal for some of you. But for me, they’re just more dragon books and not the best dragon books I’ve ever read.
I will say that I did not hate Dragonflight like I expected to. I didn’t enjoy the first part at all, but once Lessa joined the Weyr, I did enjoy the story. The folks of Pern are not ever going to be my favorite characters and McCaffrey is never going to make it on my favorites list, with her dragon stories, but that’s ok. I have more than enough favorites, anyway.
Sorry People of Pern. I tried but I just can’t join you in your McCaffrey worship.
Technorati Tags: annemccaffrey, pern, dragons, fiction, fantasy