I love First Look and bathrooms, too!

Just as I was about to give up on ever getting a preview book from Harper Collins First Look, I discover an email saying “congratulations! you were selected!” Yeaaaaaaaaa! I read further, wondering which book I am going to receive and I start to laugh – out – loud! Perfect. It just doesn’t get any more perfect.

The Men’s Guide to Women’s Bathrooms

Heh. Who better to review a book about bathrooms than me? Nobody! I have strong feelings about bathrooms. I have a collection of photographs that I have taken in bathrooms all over the world. I firmly believe that all of the world’s problems could be solved within 5 years if we did away with the men’s room and women’s room and went unisex! Also, my s/o spends a lot of time in the bathroom and of course, with six children there have been a lot of interesting bathroom experiences.

So yea, Harper Collins was smart to send this little book to me. Their timing was good too because it arrived when I was just about to finish Stanley Park. In fact the arrival of the bright and shiny new preview copy was enough to push me to finish that last chapter. Without this book, I’d probably still be reading Stanley Park. But this isn’t about Stanley Park, it’s about The Men’s Guide to Women’s Bathrooms so let’s talk about that.

First, it’s chick lit. Pure and simple chick lit. Which is good. Those people who bash chick lit, they know nothing about relaxing with a book and just letting your mind go with the flow. They know nothing about laugh out loud sillyness. They know nothing about, well, anything. I like chick lit. So there.

As is the case in many books for women (aka chick lit!) the featured character, Claire St John, is newly divorced. She’s also a lawyer who has left New York City and headed home to Austin, Texas. She’s living in her mom’s rental house and she has no money to speak of. She also doesn’t have a job and she doesn’t REALLY want to be a lawyer. She has good friends, including the token gay boy. She also has great shoes.

Claire gets the brilliant idea to write a book about women’s bathrooms. Which is a good idea. But an even better idea is to explain women’s bathroom to men, because men are clueless. More clueless than people who rag on chick lit.

As you might expect, newly divorced ex-lawyer and aspiring writer has some issues with her ex-husband that she needs to resolve. She has single friends who are looking for “the one” and finding themselves with “the wrong one”. She has a mom who is just kooky enough to remind you of your own mother (or in my case, my ex mother in law). I already mentioned gay guy friend, right? Last but not least, Claire has a new guy in her life – a guy she’s falling for, too hard and too fast. That’s never good, as everybody knows.

Don’t worry, there’s a happy ending! Oh, I almost forgot, I loved the salsa and tortilla chips and brie – excellent move. Excellent.

Fun chick lit. Even more fun if you have any fondness for Austin, Texas or SXSW or ummm Duck Tours!

Thank you Harper Collins First Look – and Jo Barrett!