Sweet Potato Queens

A whole lifetime ago my friend Janet was ga-ga over the Sweet Potato Queens. Being the most excellent friend that I am (quit laughing), I picked them up and read them in a show of support and encouragement. I wasn’t nearly as thrilled by them as Janet was. They were no “Ya-Yas” and they weren’t even “Red Hat” quality. But, I could see how Janet would be so taken with them and I encouraged her fixation as best I could.

Yesterday, I was wandering through the library stacks while TW searched for new knitting books and I stumbled upon The Sweet Potato Queens First Big-Ass Novel. Feeling nostalgic, I checked it out. Since it is such a new book it is due back to the library in two weeks, so I went ahead and started it last night. And I have been reading it all morning. Not because I’m trying to avoid cleaning the bedroom or the yardwork on me “to do list” but because I was enjoying the book so much.

If you read the other Sweet Potato Queen books and weren’t overly thrilled with them, I think you’ll like this one better. If you’re a Ya Ya fan or a Red Hat fan, you’ll probably enjoy this one a good bit. The gay boy Sweet Potato Queen is a nice touch, by the way. I’m not usually a fan of “token gay characters” but this one works.

I hope there’s a second big-ass novel in the works.

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