The Perfect Post

I don’t usually do this. Do what? Write about stuff that’s all gooey and emotional and junk like that. But that Mir, she’s just so pretty and funny. And then there’s Otto who is also pretty and funny, even if he is a man. Oh Chickadee and Monkey, are there two prettier and funnier and sweeter kids in the world than those two? I don’t think so. With all of that pretty, funnyness flying it was just a matter of time before I broke. Boy did I break.

A Perfect Post – May 2007
I nominated Mir for the Perfect Post Award because, well, her post is perfect.

When you love people, when you allow them to become indispensable parts of your life, they will leave a hole behind if they leave you. And by “leave you” I don’t just mean packing up and taking off, I mean anything that takes them out of your life. There are a million ways that can happen, and the end result is the same: Loss.

If you’ve been reading Mir’s blog then you had to know something like this was coming. All of those blessings. All of the madness. And then the marrying and the moving. Lord.

It’s a perverse luxury, this, to have a life full enough to be able to see loss—both real and threatened—in the stark relief against so much bounty. I know this.

I know this too but it was really really perfect to hear Mir say it last month. And say it so perfectly. Go read the whole thing.