Daily Dose of Knowledge – And Power?

Here are some things I’ve learned this week…

1) My ex husband is not nearly the dirtbag I thought he was, or that he thought he was for that matter.
2) I would pay extra for an MP3 player that came with the little felty covery thingies already attached to the earbuds.
3) That my dislike of the Peanuts Christmas Special could be causing some cultural illiteracy.
4) You get what you pay for (I didn’t learn this directly from Dr Lloyd. I learned it from the tree service who was here taking down some dead trees. But, I had the pleasure of discussing the idea with Dr Lloyd a few months ago so…)
5) Traffic on Archer Rd is, in fact, bad. (For quite some time I’ve insisted that it’s just not as bad as TW always says it is)
6) There are not enough hours in the day to do stuff you like to do but there are too many hours in the day to do stuff you hate.
7) 2.7 million is the average net worth of the wealthiest 10% of the population. This is important, to me specifically for personal reasons. (And no, not because I have a net worth of 2.7 million or any million for that matter).
8) My daughter is grown up and responsible and appreciates me and asking for tattoos for her 16th birthday has absolutely nothing to do with why she appreciates me.
9) My son pays his debts, eventually.
10) Unitarian Universalists are very quick to make sure they have not committed some social blunder when it comes to lesbian mommies.

It’s been quite a productive week and it’s only Tuesday!

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