A Spoonful of Poison

Before I blog about A Spoonful of Poison I have to blog about the Glenview Public Library because we got this book from the library. Which isn’t all that surprising BUT what is surprising and interesting is that it cost us $1 to “rent” this book from the Glenview Public Library.

When we picked it up off of the shelf, we didn’t notice the word “rental” on the spine. It was only when we got to the counter and the librarian said “this is a rental, can only be held for seven days, cannot be renewed and costs $1” that we noticed it.

I paid the dollar because I was interested to see just what kind of book the Glenview Public Library considers good enough to slap the word “Rental” on – and charge $1 for. Ummm, I should have put it back on the shelf. It just wasn’t that good. Certainly no better than any other cheesy murder mystery series and possibly worse than most cheesy murder mystery series.

I still don’t understand why some books are given “Rental” status and others are simply given the “7 day book status”. I will be watching for the word “rental” on the spine to see if it becomes clearer to me but I somehow doubt I’ll be paying the $1 again any time soon to “rent” a book.

Anyway, about Spoonful of Poison – errr ok, cheesy murder mystery series, I think TW said it was number 19 in the series. Interesting – never heard of the author, (though the book indicates she’s a NY Times Best Seller), never read any of the other books and I’m guessing if we’d read more of the books we would have understood just why people seem to react so negatively toward Agatha Raisin right off the bat. And also why there were so damn many miscellaneous characters.

Ho hum.