Daily Dose of Questions – Koolaid

"Drink the Koolaid."  Where did that come from?

I know where the phrase "drink the koolaid" comes from.  I know all about Jim Jones and his little kool-aid  (though it appears that it was Flavor-aid and not Kool-aid) fun.  I understand it, please don’t assume I’m just culturally clueless – my children may be, but I am not.

What I’m confused about is why everyone seems to be using the phrase.  I went for a good 20 years without ever hearing this said by anyone other than a Girl Scout leader or a kindergarten teacher. 

Is it the current political scene causing the mass useage of this phrase or is it the current "scene" in my own little world?  Are you folks in the blogosphere hearing "just drink the kool-aid" or "those people are just drinking the kool-aid" as often as I am?  Are you, like me, saying it??? 

I don’t want to drink the kool-aid and I certainly don’t want to hear myself suggesting it to someone else.  It makes me a little queasy, and not just because I don’t like kool-aid either. 

Buy into the party line, follow the leader business, nasty dirty stuff, isn’t it?

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