Thank you Terralina (and BlogHerCon)

I’m a Lubriderm fragrance free sort of woman.

For years and years, a large bottle of Lubriderm could be found wherever I was – wherever I spent the most time. Next to the chair I rocked my babies. Next to my side of the bed. Next to my computer. It’s the only skincare thing I really use and the only product (besides Aveda Rosemary Mint shampoo) that I’m really loyal to.

But, I’m also practical and thrifty.

So when my big bottle of Lubriderm was empty, a few weeks before we moved, I didn’t replace it. We had a ton of travel sized bottles of various types of lotion – picked up at a drugstore while on a trip, because I forgot to bring a small travel sized bottle with us or carried home from a hotel. I figured I’d just use those until we moved.

I’ve been digging through the drawers in the bathroom, pulling out a new mini bottle of some relatively non-offensive smelling lotion and just making do with those. And it’s been fine. A pain in the ass to dig around to find a new bottle every few days but I’m thrifty and I should use this stuff instead of wasting it.

I’ve dug into the pockets of all of our suitcases, searching for lost and hidden bottles of lotion and I was pretty sure the only thing left was lotion I will not use – the Aveda Rosemary Mint lotion and the Holiday Inn Garden Botanika version of Mint lotion. I do not like either one of those. They burn. Oh, and also Avon Silicone Glove that my ex MIL gave to TW. I hate that stuff. It makes me feel like I have, well, a silicone glove on whichever part of my body I use that stuff. I am not into gloves. Or silicone.

The other day, I was desperate for lotion. It’s cold and dry here and my entire body feels cold and dry. So I went back to the bathroom and searched and searched and searched and I hit paydirt.

terralina-002.jpgTerralina Body Lotion – small travel size, a bit of BlogHer Con swag from 07, I believe. Thank BlogHer. Thank Gina. Thank God. I totally needed that. And, I like it.

The only question I have about it is this… is it supposed to be a little bit yellowy creamy color or is that what happens when you use really old body lotion product? Whatever. I don’t care. Terralina has saved my life this week.