Have I mentioned how much I love living in Chicagoland? No, seriously. No sarcasm intended. I love it. This little library of mine, it keeps handing me brand new books, never before checked out, by authors I would have had to wait months to get if I’d tried to reserve them in Florida.
Fool was waiting for me even before Sassymonkey got her copy (but not before Carfi had his signed copy from a Moore shindig in the bay area… which reminds me, dude… why didn’t you get ME a signed copy and send it to me, huh???)
When there is a new Moore novel in the house, several things happen… TW and I “fight” over who gets to read first… and whichever gets to read first laughs her ass off all the way through it, ticking off the other who was not able to read it first.
Also, it’s really hard to get the kitchen clean when a new Moore novel is in the house. And, it’s much easier to walk away from the computer for a “lunch break” or after only 13 hours online than it is when there are no new Moore books to be had.
So, anyway, I was first to read Fool and I was cautious. Lear? I mean really, King Lear? WTF? And why? And, this was either going to be amazingly awesome or really and truly horrible. I shouldn’t have worried at all.
There’s always a ghost.
Here’s another problem with Christopher Moore novels – when you’ve read the latest, you know you’re going to have to wait far too long for the next one. The dude needs to work faster. Quit doing signings and promotions and stuff, just get back to work.