Two more books, yes I’m behind again

First, Dream it! List it! Do it! is a 43 Things book I picked up as a graduation gift for Michelle, while we were at A Room of One’s Own in Madison.

I was really really tired on the flight to Florida so rather than work or read my “real” book, I flipped through this one. It was fun. Just like surfing 43 Things but better because I wasn’t looking at a computer screen and because I didn’t have to sort through crummy lists.

Michelle and I are both “list” people and she promptly put the book in her purse and I saw her pull it out and flip through it several times during grad weekend.

Next, Eat, Drink and Be from Mississippi. I’ve been trying to read this book for a long long time. But the very long work hours and the exhaustion due to work hours caused me to have a lot of trouble getting into it. I wanted to read it, I just couldn’t read more than a chapter at a time. Finally, the last couple of days have left me with more reading time and I thoroughly enjoyed digging into this. I was also very disappointed when it ended. I think I need a sequel.