Skinny Bitch

I really could have and probably have sworn that I’d read Skinny Bitch shortly after it was published. But awhile back during a Chatter-fest of book review posts, @elisac led me to realize that I had not read it at all.

I was pretty troubled by this. A popular diet book that I have not read? Impossible.

So, I reserved it.

And now I’ve read it.

I did not enjoy it. In fact, I growled my way through it.

I’m not a vegan. I’m not anti vegan, either. And this book would not ever inspire me to become a vegan, for any reason at all.

There’s some good nutritional info lurking in this book but it’s twisted up in not so good info.

There’s some good food industry and food politics info but it’s twisted up in propaganda.

There are about two lines of information about how making smart food choices will help you be healthier but that’s twisted up in all of the profanity and all of the offensive and stereotypical commentary.

I’m glad I read it but I didn’t enjoy even a second of it.