If the cover fits

My entry for the mini-challenge, If the cover fits in the “Moving” category.

And maybe this doesn’t make sense to you, but it does to me.

When I look at my old Nancy Drew books I remember the weekends when I’d hole up in my room and devour Nancy Drew books… coming out only to beg one of my parents to take me to the story to buy another – and another – and another. And if I couldn’t con them into that, then I’d head back in and just re-read them all over again.

I read a lot but never make the time to hole up with books for an entire day, like I used to when I was a kid. There’s always too much work to be done for anything like that.

It’s fitting that today, Readathon Day, I’m incorporating Nancy Drews into my reading.

(pst, it might take a minute for the image to load, it’s being pulled from my other blog.)