Zombies vs Unicorns

Unicorns FTW!

Last night when I was just a wee bit into Zombies vs Unicorns, Michelle wandered into my bedroom and plopped herself down on my bed – which led me to gripe about kids always laying on my darn bed. My griping didn’t send her away so I figured I’d try asking her some stupid question, a normal surefire way to get her to wander off to do something more interesting… “Zombies or Unicorns?”

She said Unicorns (smart girl) which led TW to try and argue that Zombies were better… unfortunately TW is not very good at debating and she proved the Unicorn’s side over and over and over again with her arguments, which caused Michelle to continue to lay on my bed laughing her a** off. So much for surefire ways to get a kid to get off of your bed.

The zombies vs unicorn debate seems like a good debate but it isn’t. Unicorns win hands down. They’re smarter. They’re magic. The stories about them are better. Not that that zombie stories in Zombies vs Unicorns were bad, they were excellent – but they just proved that Unicorns are just plain smarter, meaner, more magnificent and BETTER.

Don’t believe me? Read the book. Princess Prettypants, the prettiest, sweetest, rainbowyest (that’s totally a word) unicorn in the entire book will kick your ASS and make you like it. No zombie would stand a chance.

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.