A Novel Bookstore

I couldn’t resist picking up A Novel Bookstore from the shelf last week and with the dozens of books on my library cart, I felt really compelled to read this one sooner rather than later. Is there a book lover alive who hasn’t thought about owning a bookstore – the perfect bookstore – and what that perfect bookstore would sell? Exactly.

This book was originally written in French and I was a little worried about that. Not all translations really work, ya know. It’s also billed as a mystery, a love story, and a fairy tale which seemed a little overarching. And then the first few chapters left me a little lost and confused – and cold. But, that framework was important. Once we got past that, and into how The Novel Bookstore came to life – it was fascinating.

Picture a bookstore that ignores the latest releases – and the literary awards. Picture a bookstore that sells only novels – only great novels recommended by a committee of great writers. A secret committee of great writers. Is it any wonder bad things began to happen? How dare they?!

Wonderful book. Really.

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