When I reserved Full Dark, No Stars I didn’t know it was short stories, so that threw me right off the bat. Then the opening story, about rats (among other things) creeped me the hell out. Which is what I expect from a Stephen King novel. So I’m not complaining but UGH. The next story – was a hard read. A woman is raped and then seeks revenge. Hard, hard story but beyond that, I found some of the lesbian languaging to be “off” – at the end of the book, King talks about writing real people and not pulling punches and writing about things people would never really do. Well I hear him and normally I think he does a good job of this but in this case, it didn’t feel true to the character(s) for some reason. So color me unhappy with the second story. The rest of the stories – excellent in every way. Just creepy enough, amusing when they need to be and hardcore evil when they need to be that, too.
Overall, good stories. I’m not sorry I read them. But the rats, ugh.