An NPR Confession

Are you sitting down?

I never listen to NPR. Ever.

At least not on the radio. I will sometimes wander over there online when someone shares a link or mentions a story in a blog post but it’s pretty rare and I never stay long.

When I’m working, I don’t really like a lot of sounds. I rarely listen to music for longer than a half dozen songs. I can’t handle more than a few minutes of any podcast while I’m working. It’s just distracting and becomes excess busy noise.

In the car, we listen to the radio. Or a book on audio. When we’re traveling, we’ll sometimes hit a talk radio show but that’s rare too (and in this area it tends to be conservative shock radio – Indiana, after all) but we can’t take much of that before we move to iTunes to enjoy the ride.

So no. I don’t do NPR.


This week, I’m driving my mom’s Toyota and the radio is tuned to NPR- Charlote (WFAE).

On Saturday, the first time I drove the car, I found it mildly amusing. Car Talk was on and I kind of like the Car Talk guys. So I listened. And I mostly enjoyed it.

On Sunday, I listened again but it was Car Talk again which I found annoying. I like those guys but I didn’t want to hear the same show again.

And every day since, I’ve listened to some sort of NPR programming for 15 minutes – an hour while in the car. Some of it has been interesting. Some stupid and boring. An interview with Tavi was fabulous. That girl is awesome. Totally love her. Loved the interview. If you didn’t hear it – you should listen. Tavi on Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me.   The anti-PSA test doctor was interesting. So was the Executive Director of Greenpeace talking about Duke Energy & Progress Energy (that’s a scary freaking merge, if you ask me.)

After a week of listening to WFAE’s pledge drives and their programming – I’m torn between wanting to rip the radio from the dash because I’m sick to death of the pledge drive and wanting to pull over and call in a pledge.  After all, if I pledge I’ll be entered to win a trip to … Chicago… for Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me.  I totally need a trip to Chicago, don’t I?

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.