Almost at the 5 hour mark…. #readathon

Offically, 4  hours 41 minutes though the first hour was really spent getting some work done, visiting some #readathon bloggers and tweeters, fixing coffee (cleaning up the mess when the first pot exploded) and driving a kid to work – only one chapter actually read during the first hour.

After 4 hours and 41 minutes:

          I’ve read 36 pages of Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star and 10 chapters of Redemption.

          I soaked in the tub for awhile.

          I had 8 lemon abelskivers for breakfast.

          I’ve had 4 cups of coffee (black).

          I tried some funky black bean and rice chips with horseradish hummus dip (all from Trader Joe’s)

I’m going to crack open some children’s fiction during the fifth hour… and I’m waiting for TW to decide it’s naptime because I’m feeling like a short nap might be in order.

It’s been a great day, so far!

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.