
Reckless. Confusing. It reads like a sequel but it’s not a sequel. I didn’t like that. I didn’t like it that I felt like I’d missed out on a ton of stuff – when I hadn’t. I’m a stickler for reading books in a series in order. This one made me feel like I was reading out of order and that made the whole book less enjoyable.

It wasn’t just me, either. TW thought it was a sequel (though she doesn’t have a problem reading out of order), too.

Now there is a sequel coming to this book and while I’d like to read it, I’m afraid it will just make me feel even more like I’ve missed the first books in the series.

Gah. Jacob had been going to Mirrorworld for 12 years… why didn’t the story start there, with the first time he went in?  Grrrr.

(By the way, I really did like the book – I liked the fairy tale magic and how it was woven into the story. Nicely done.)

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.