War Horse


I finally wrote my month in books wrap up for March and noticed I never blogged about War Horse. Which means my counts are off there, too. Sheesh. I’m on the ball, aren’t I?

OK so War Horse? Was there a movie made from this book? I thought there was and that’s why I reserved the book at the library. I figured if folks were watching the movie, the least I could do was read the book. Which I did. And I’m still not sure there is a movie. So. Whatever.

I sort of liked the book. Sort of. Mostly. There were just a couple of parts that kind of bugged me, stylistically. No big deal. A horse book is a horse book is a horse book, basically. But in this case…. The horse didn’t die. Well some horses did but not THE horse. Oops. I spoiled it for you. Sorry.  People die! There’s a war, after all. It will be sad enough, but not TOO sad (as most horse books are TOO sad, this will be a nice change for you.)

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