Fang Chronicles: Amy’s Story

I tried to read Fang Chronicles: Amy’s Story while I was in Hawaii but I couldn’t because I had loaned it to RJ and it hadn’t been returned to my Amazon shelf yet. After I got home, it was returned so I could start reading it. Darn if I’ll ever do that again – the story was terrific, not the normal vampire romance.

One of the unusual things that I didn’t mention in that post over on BlogHer was that the story did not end where/when I thought it would.

I don’t know if it’s a symptom of reading on my iPhone via the Kindle App but I was very surprised.

You know how you’re reading a book, in a genre you’ve often read, and you begin to guess at what’s going to happen – and you expect the story to end shortly after X happens? If you’re reading a print book, you get that feeling even more if you’re close to the end – with the Kindle, I never really know where I am in the book so I was very surprised when X happened, to Amy, and the book did not end.

And then I figured ok, the book will end when X happens to Victoria but guess what – the story did not end there, either.

I guess if I’d been reading a print version, I might have been a little less surprised. Maybe? Even so – those were two key things that could have triggered the end of the book but neither did.

THAT was cool. Totally unexpected ending.

I’m looking forward to reading Emily’s Story next.

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.