The Notorious Benedict Arnold

I like non-fiction books about the American Revolution – you can blame my father for that. I’m also a huge fan of Benedict Arnold, which you can also blame on my father. So, I was pretty sure I was going to enjoy The Notorious Benedict Arnold and I did. I really did. Poor guy. I mean I know, I know but really. The guy did some really great things in battle and without him, it’s hard to say for sure that we would have defeated the British at all. Gates was USELESS (or close to it) without Arnold, well, let’s not even think about what would have happened.

Also, how many guys decide to invade Canada and then DO IT? Not nearly enough, that’s how many (sorry Sassymonkey and the rest of you nice Canadians, but it was true. Very true.)

Too bad it turned out the way it did, for Arnold. It’s just a darn shame.

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