A Weird Thanksgiving Shopping Day

TW and I have been going to Kmart, Walgreens and CVS on Thanksgiving for more than 10 years and we’ve never experienced a shopping day quite like this one.

First, we walked out of Kmart without pajamas and without socks and without any weird Christmas gift packages and without any DVDs or video games. That has NEVER happened. Ever. We didn’t even find anything that we wanted to buy for Johnny Mac Pippin OR for Skeeter. Either the stuff we found interesting wasn’t on sale or they just didn’t have the stuff that normally catches our eye. Don’t get me wrong, we still bought stuff — we just didn’t buy the stuff we normally buy and expected to buy.


Our Walgreens trip was eventful only in the fact that they had everything on my list — this is not something that usually happens to me on a Walgreens coupon trip.

And then there was CVS. Weird, weird, weird…

Last Sunday, we bought a ton of stuff that gave us the full price back in ECBs so we had almost $80 in ECBs to spend today and as we checked out, the cashier (who checked us out on Sunday, by the way) began to rant about stores being open on Thanksgiving. I don’t know what rock she’s been under but drugstores being open on Thanksgiving is not new. It wasn’t crowded, so I don’t think I can chalk it up to having a stressed out day — their big day was really last Sunday when the big batch of ECB sales came out.

Then, she started ranting about “the company” — and how she doesn’t understand what’s going on with “the company” that they can give away all of this stuff. And all day, every day, people come in with these ECBs and basically get this stuff for free and Target and Walgreens don’t do this so why does “this company” do this?

And when I tried to explain that Walgreens actually does something very similar and I’d just spent $75 at Walgreens fifteen minutes ago and gotten $50 back in RRs she acted like I was lying because she prefers Walgreens and she’s never gotten anything like “this” at that store. And then she ranted some more about “this company” and giving away all of this product for free with these coupons and she just likes Walgreens so much better.

I… couldn’t figure out what the proper response should be since me trying to explain that you can get free stuff at Walgreens (and even Target, lol) didn’t seem to be the right answer. And when I tried to explain how much I love CVS because it’s clean and the people are friendly and it’s just a nicer store she said, again, that her friends say that too but she likes Walgreens.

See — weird. Very weird.

I kind of hope she’s not my cashier again — I kind of liked her last Sunday but after today, I dunno. She creeped me out and made me kind of grouchy. I like CVS and I don’t want my CVS cashier trying to tell me that I shouldn’t.

I spent $15 out of pocket today and walked out with another $24 in ECBs — What’s not to like?