221 Books in 2012

I beat last year’s total by 21 books. I’m a little surprised, or I was until I flipped through my year of posts. The travel guides helped, since I read almost nothing the entire month I was in Hawaii meeting JMP. The graphic novels helped, too.

Here’s the breakdown:

Audiobooks: 13 (seemed like more!)
Graphic Novels: 19 (seemed like more!)
Non-fiction: 54
YA: 62
Books I Hated: 1 (but, this is big –I quit a good dozen books this year, a big change from previous years.)
Books I Loved: 91

For the challenges:

* I read all of the Cybils Shortlist books.
* I didn’t read a single Nancy Drew. (Gah!)
* I read books three about adoption, but only two were those I specifically read because I knew they were about adoption and would be great for the adoption challenge.
* I read 8 steampunk (I could have sworn there were more… I wonder if I mis-tagged?)
* I really need to read more queer books. 22 is a lot better than 6, so I shouldn’t beatmyself up … still… it shouldn’t be this hard.
* From the Stacks? hahaha. Three, that I didn’t buy in 2012. Sheesh.