Speaking From Among the Bones

I really enjoyed Speaking From Among the Bones — Flavia is fabulous, as usual. But, I’m a little troubled by the direction this is taking.

The house is in jeopardy, as usual.

Flavia learns more about her mother. Confusing things. Good things. Interesting things.

Flavia solves the crime.

Something happens that might save the house, but instead it just helps the family hold on a little longer.

Book ends.

At least that’s pretty much the formula we saw in the first four books. This one, a little different. All of those things happen except…. we don’t find out what happens to the thing that could save the house (but probably won’t.) Instead, we get a much, much, much bigger cliffhanger. The cliffhanger of cliffhangers.

And I don’t think I like it.

Certainly I was ready for that thing to begin to occur, but I don’t like the messing of the formula of the series. I don’t like the thing that occurred to have occurred as a cliffhanger. Unnecessary. Unwelcome. Nope, didn’t like it. But yea, I’m dying for the next book.