Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

I have no idea why The Go-Gos are running through my head, but they are. I sure hope that doesn’t happen for my entire vacation. Then again, there are worse earworms to have.

And, day one of vacation was fabulous, (except for that leaving Skeeter in the kennel part.)

TW really wanted to go to Kohler so we did and I have to admit, it was totally fun and we realized we both really like pink bathrooms. So weird since neither of us really loves pink, just in general. Also weird because we’re in a very pink room at a B&B (and oh boy is it pink, lol.) The Shell Collector’s Bathroom is amazing (though neither of us love the pebbles on the far wall.) This pink bathroom was also fabulous, though the photos here don’t do it justice. We also love the spice drawers in this kitchen.

After our visit to the Kohler Design Center, we went into Sheboygan to the Kohler Art Center. It’s a nice little museum. The drawing room was fabulous. You can check out a drawing kit and sit in a little solarium type room and sketch. Totally awesome. The Emery Blagdon exhibit was amazing and the kids’ art was fantastic.

I decided we needed food and was very happy when I realized Field to Fork was just a couple of blocks away and was even happier once the food started arriving. The peach smoothie was excellent. The fried cheese curds were A-Freaking-Mazing. I’ve eaten a lot of fried cheese curds and none compare to these. I ordered the veggie sandwich and, holy hell it was good. TW ordered the grilled cheese and… it was good but it was over-shadowed by the cheese curds and the veggie sandwich. Amazing. I want to go back and order more of the things on their menu. And more fried cheese curds.

We made it to Sturgeon Bay around 4pm and promptly filled the double jacuzzi tub and lit the fireplace. We’d have taken a nap after that but it was too warm in the room… TOO WARM. I haven’t been TOO WARM in four and a half years! So, we went out for a walk and a visit to the Kick Coffee, just a block away.

It’s been an awesome first day.