Better and Worse

The puppies are awesome. I just watched both dogs hop right into the backseat of the car and settle right down. Huge improvement over day one. A little while ago, Lola was outside with me and when she came in — she stopped in the middle of the room and waited for me to invite her to leave the room, without me saying a word or giving her any hand signal at all. Huge. HUGE. Amazing job of “Wait”.

I, however, am not awesome.

My house is trashed.

I’ve worked a whole lot of hours this week, after doing such an amazing job of taking time off everyday (for the last few months.)

We’re hemorrhaging money, after doing a great job of budget cutting and saving money.

I’m tired. Very, very tired — which is why the house is trashed, I’m working too many hours and we’re spending too much money.

It’s a vicious cycle. Must end the cycle this weekend.

Back. ON. Track. DAMN. IT.