Swine Not?

TW loves Jimmy Buffet and I kind of make fun of her for it. Because she doesn’t just like him, she LOVES HIM!!! Because I make fun of her for LOVING Jimmy Buffet, she thinks I don’t like him or his books. Not true. I like his music ok and I’ve enjoyed his novels. I have never read A Pirate Looks at Fifty which is the book I’m most likely to make fun of TW about… she calls reading it a “transformative book”. I can’t even type that without cackling.

I know, I haven’t read it — maybe it IS? hahahahahaha

Anyway, she thinks I don’t like his books so when I held Swine Not? back from the back to the library bag, she questioned me (again.)

I like his fiction, damn it.

Swine Not wasn’t the best of the bunch but it was a cute story. I do kind of wish Helen, whose story inspired this book, would have written her own darn book because I’d really like to know about THAT — more than a made up story about the family, the big and the four-start hotel in NYC.

Cute enough.

Not transformative, though.