Out of the Big Easy

After seeing a lot of glowing reviews for Out of the Easy, I moved this one up higher on my TBR list. TW read it first (of course) and said it was good so I had high hopes, especially since I’m not getting a lot of reading done right now and I needed something to suck me in.

Boy did it. After just a half dozen pages, I was hooked — and I didn’t really put it down until I was finished.

Oddly enough, I was surprised to realize the book was written by the other of Between Shades of Grey (a book we listened to last year, on audio — for the Cybils Challenge.) All too often, YA authors write books that sound just a little too much like the last book (even when the books aren’t sequel) — not this one.

My mother’s a prostitute. Not the filthy, streetwalking kind.

See, you’re hooked, aren’t you?