#Readathon: Ready, Not Ready, Ready!

Oh boy, what a day (week?). Totally not ready for Dewey’s Readathon tomorrow but also very ready for the #readathon because I really enjoy it so darn much.

We have snacks, even though we aren’t super excited about any of them.

We have books, though I don’t seem to have any YA or any graphic novels. And, I don’t have anything downloaded to Kindle that I plan on reading tomorrow, either. Oops.

I do have a lot of children’s fiction, non-fiction and poetry and some travel guides, so that will save me when I’m starting to get tired. I’ve also got a lot of adult non-fiction and that might be a problem unless they’re really interesting. We shall see.

First up, in the morning — finishing the last 100 pages of The Astronaut Wives’ Club. (We also have to drive the boy across town so we’ll get an hour of listening to Dexter’s Final Cut, so that will be a nice morning break from print.