Save the Hunley!

This post is really just for the Gainesville folks, the rest of you will be bored to tears.  Unless you want to save the Hunley.

Does anyone know who the dude is who drives the blue Jeep Cherokee?  He has a Save the Hunley bumper sticker and his plate says RX DOC 2.  I’m not trying to track him down for anything bad, I’m just wondering why he wants to save the Hunley. 

Not that everyone shouldn’t want to, they should.  It’s just very rare to find someone who is vocal about such a thing.  In fact, the only other person I’ve ever known who is vocal about saving the Hunley would be my father.  (Though in Charleston you do sometimes see those Save the Hunley bumper stickers on cars that do not belong to my father.)

I have fond feelings for the Hunley and I couldn’t get the dude’s attention at the stop light to thank him for his efforts.  So, if you know who he is.  Tell him I said thanks and so would my dad.