The Girl on Legare St.

I’ve pretty much lost the “I’d love to own an old Charleston house someday” desire. Or I thought I had. Last night, while reading The Girl on Legare St I found myself surfing zillow to see how much a house on Legare St costs right about now… hah.

TW and I realized we are very picky about our Charleston houses. There was one, which I won’t message, that has had horrible things done to its kitchen. Not horrible like the house on Legare St in this book but horrible enough. Anyway, back to the book…

It was excellent. Again. It’s not so much the mystery but the characters and location for me. (Melanie ate at Blossoms again, lucky woman.) And I absolutely did NOT see that ending coming. Not at all.

I am a little confused about the gifts Melanie’s mom has… she seemed to know something was going to happen along those lines — but how? Did the spirits tell her? I didn’t know she could predict the future? I thought that was Rebecca’s gift? Hmmm. That’s the only part that left me puzzled and it’s a very small thing since it was one sentence toward the end and the last paragraph of the book to set up the next book, (which I will be reading).