February In Review

Thank goodness February is OVER. I’m done with it. There’s a reason why February is a short month and it has nothing to do with cycle of the moon or sun or anything calendar related. It’s because February is a DICK.

But, it wasn’t really all bad. I kept my “To Dos” manageable and have only two things left un-done. One was a carryover from January and I must do that in March. Sooner rather than later — I must fix my coffee pot. The grinder is clogged or something and it won’t grind beans — so I’m stuck using pre-ground coffee, which I keep buying so I’ll have coffee even though I have a ton of beans. Gah.

I didn’t quite manage the #tcblove photo a day challenge. I was late for two of the days, one because I’m a procrastinator and the other because I forgot TW had a dental appointment and it would be dark before we left the building. Oops. I suppose I could have not planned to take that photo in the afternoon and managed it on time but see that procrastinator thing? Also, work is NUTS right now. I skipped one day completely because the theme just didn’t work. In fact a lot of days the them didn’t work for me — I’m not a marshamllowy kinda person. lol. It was fun, though. I’m glad I did it and I’m looking forward to 17 Days of Green in March.

Still not finding time to art journal, though moving a handful of gel pens to my desk did cause me to do some doodling a couple of times. I’ve got plans to schedule art journal time into March and since that’s helped me get a ton of work done on JMP’s Christmas stocking, I think I might see some success with that next month. I hope.

All in all, a good month — consider February sucks so hard. Onward!