1963: The Year of the Revolution

I was born in 1963 and the cover of 1963: The Year of the Revolution is cool so I checked it out. I wasn’t sure I would read it. I thought I might just flip through the photos because my TBR list is long and was this something I really NEEDED or WANTED to read?

I’m not sure I did need or even want to read it but it was a super fast read and kind of interesting. A lot repetitive and a little disjointed since it was really just a whole bunch of superstars (who you may or may not know depending upon your cultural literacy, particularly British cultural literacy, from ’63) talking about 1963. They (too often) said the same things that others said and they (too often) said the same damn thing they’d already said earlier on the page or in the book.

But, it was interesting and amusing enough that I read the whole thing, really quickly and it was interesting.