So, Where Was I?

Good thing I’m not one of those nablomo people, isn’t it?  Not that I haven’t been blogging, because I have been – just not HERE.  The not blogging here is weird because I have had an awful lot to blog about over the last week or two or three.   Having stuff to blog about is good, but what good is that stuff when you don’t have the energy to blog it?  No good at all, that’s how much good.  ("How much good." Heh, I should say that more often.)

I should sleep more often.  Or drink coffee more often.  Or some combination of those two things.

Speaking of coffee … about those Starbucks sleeves, well, what do you think?  Busy, busy, busy aren’t they?  And multi-colored too, what’s with THAT?  And, how can all of the stores in my little town be low on holiday sleeves already?  (So low that we were double cupped with holiday cups this morning.) 

And speaking of sleep, TW is making noise about us NOT getting new sheets for Christmas.  This is troubling – we always get sheets for Christmas.  Super expensive sheets.  I have come to really appreciate these sheets and look forward to them, as long as they are white… Even though they are expensive, and I do not like buying expensive things.  You would think I would be happy that TW is not spending a gazillion dollars on sheets this year but no, I’m not happy at all.  I wouldn’t be happy if I was hung with a new rope…

Speaking of new rope, uh no, I wasn’t actually speaking of new rope and have absolutely nothing to say about new rope.  Or old rope.  Sorry.