Heaven Is Paved with Oreos

Sassymonkey pointed out that Heaven Is Paved with Oreos is a middle grade companion to the Dairy Queen series so I decided I should read it.

It was cute, though I find Sarah a little young to be starting high school — but then again, DJ wasn’t super wordly herself, was she? Maybe that’s a small town Wisconsin thing?

The fiasco in Rome was a little jarring but I liked it. I liked how Sarah handled it. I like the advice DJ gave her — and based on the timing, I can see DJ giving her that advice, at that moment. So it definitely worked for me. I suspect it will not be a good book if you haven’t read the Dairy Queen series. The lesbian storyline makes almost no sense there, without the Dairy Queen storyline to clear things up. Heck, Curtis probably makes no sense if you don’t have some awareness of his character to start with.

So — I liked it but can see why others might not. I still say Murdock should go back to the whole Princess Ben thing.